Public Reiki Share

This Reiki Share, is a free event, here to connect the Physical Body, Mind and Emotional bodies to this powerful Japanese healing modality. Whether you’re new to Reiki or have experience, this is a great opportunity to take a moment to stop, check-in, practice awareness and connect. First come first served. Newcomers are given front of the line status. The time duration for each individual will depend on how many attend and how many Reiki Practitioners are present. Whether you plan to come by yourself or with your family and friends you can’t go wrong. Either way, take a moment for yourself. Looking forward to seeing you there!

3rd Tuesday of the month starting at 8pm

Reiki Circle

This event is for local Reiki Practitioners to connect our energy to strengthen ourselves and our communities. We are stronger together! Looking forward to seeing you there. Pass this on if you know a Reiki Practitioner who can benefit because those who constantly give sometimes forget they may need a little healing themselves.

Last Tuesday of the month at 8 pm