Reiki (Rei=Universal Life, Ki=Energy) is a Japanese healing modality focusing on cleansing the Chakra, Auric, Circulatory and Lymphatic systems. It is based on the therapist’s ability to channel Universal Life Energy into the patient to activate the natural healing processes, restoring the body to its ideal level of mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Reiki energy transcends time and space so you may choose from multiple options for your healing session:
In person
Verbally over the telephone.
Please call or text for your appointment today at 707-225-2199.
Join in on healing our world throughfor meditation, connectivity and Reiki healing by sending your prayer requests to
[email protected].

Practitioner Training
Reiki I&II Course ~ Become a practitioner in this life changing energy modality. $300 includes lunch and supplies.
Reiki Master Level Course ~ Take your level 2 status to the next amazing level!
Private Sessions
Repeat sessions are essential to ensure optimal healing. Purchase your discounted package today and begin your journey to a happier and healthier life!
1 Hour $100
45 min $85
3/30 min sessions $177
Reiki Blossoms
Children have a natural awareness of healing energy and can often see it. They are very close to the flow of life. It is easy for them to learn Reiki.
Children ages 4~11 (if your child is older give a call!)
Upcoming Events
Recovery Yoga
Sober? Sober curious? Come down to our Thursday Nights of Zen. Meditation at 5:30 with Beginner Yoga, Crystal Singing bowls along with crystal and Reiki healing at 7. Doors open for Yoga at 6:45. Bring a mat, water, blanket and any other supplies you may have. Have issues with mobility? Not a problem. Chair modifications are available.
Suggested donation of $10 or more is greatly appreciated. Cash, Venmo, CashApp and Zelle accepted.
Thank you and see you there
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